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制造商 / HannStar
品牌全称:HannStar Display Corporation 瀚宇彩晶

 瀚宇彩晶股份有限公司﹝"瀚宇彩晶" 或 "彩晶"﹞之中文註冊名稱『瀚宇彩晶』取意自『浩瀚宇宙、無邊無際』,並以『開創浩瀚無邊的科技視野』為定位,致力於彩色液晶顯示器的技術研發與創新,期許引領人類開創更豐富,寬廣的視覺空間。

HannStar Display Corporation ("HannStar®") was established in June 1998. We are specialized in the manufacturing of TFT-LCD products and these main applications are in notebook computer displays and desktop computer monitors. At the beginning of our establishment, we have built up a clear operation concept, i.e., providing human beings with the most healthy visionary environment and dedicated to the R&D, manufacture and sales of low-radiation, low power consumption and compact & convenient TFT-LCD.





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